Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  pangaea
#  Author : Alan D Snow, 2017.
#  License: BSD 3-Clause

    This module provides helper functions to read in
    land surface model datasets.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

[docs]def open_mfdataset(path_to_lsm_files, lat_var, lon_var, time_var, lat_dim, lon_dim, time_dim, lon_to_180=False, coords_projected=False, loader=None, engine=None, autoclose=True): """ Wrapper to open land surface model netcdf files using :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset`. .. warning:: The time dimension and variable will both be renamed to 'time' to enable slicing. Parameters ---------- path_to_lsm_files: :obj:`str` Path to land surface model files with wildcard. (Ex. '/path/to/files/*.nc') lat_var: :obj:`str` Latitude variable (Ex. lat). lon_var: :obj:`str` Longitude variable (Ex. lon). time_var: :obj:`str` Time variable (Ex. time). lat_dim: :obj:`str` Latitude dimension (Ex. lat). lon_dim: :obj:`str` Longitude dimension (Ex. lon). time_dim: :obj:`str` Time dimension (ex. time). lon_to_180: bool, optional, default=False It True, will convert longitude from [0 to 360] to [-180 to 180]. coords_projected: bool, optional, default=False It True, it will assume the coordinates are already in the projected coordinate system. loader: str, optional, default=None If 'hrrr', it will load in the HRRR dataset. engine: str, optional See: :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset` documentation. autoclose: :obj:`str`, optional, default=True If True, will use autoclose option with :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset`. Returns ------- :func:`xarray.Dataset` Read with pangaea example:: import pangaea as pa with pa.open_mfdataset('/path/to/ncfiles/*.nc', lat_var='lat', lon_var='lon', time_var='time', lat_dim='lat', lon_dim='lon', time_dim='time') as xds: print(xds.lsm.projection) """ def define_coords(xds): """xarray loader to ensure coordinates are loaded correctly""" # remove time dimension from lat, lon coordinates if xds[lat_var].ndim == 3: xds[lat_var] = xds[lat_var].squeeze(time_dim) # make sure coords are defined as coords if lat_var not in xds.coords \ or lon_var not in xds.coords \ or time_var not in xds.coords: xds.set_coords([lat_var, lon_var, time_var], inplace=True) return xds def extract_hrrr_date(xds): """xarray loader for HRRR""" for var in xds.variables: if 'initial_time' in xds[var].attrs.keys(): grid_time = pd.to_datetime(xds[var].attrs['initial_time'], format="%m/%d/%Y (%H:%M)") if 'forecast_time' in xds[var].attrs.keys(): time_units = 'h' if 'forecast_time_units' in xds[var].attrs.keys(): time_units = \ str(xds[var].attrs['forecast_time_units'][0]) time_dt = int(xds[var].attrs['forecast_time'][0]) grid_time += np.timedelta64(time_dt, time_units) return xds.assign(time=grid_time) return xds if loader == 'hrrr': preprocess = extract_hrrr_date engine = 'pynio' if engine is None else engine else: preprocess = define_coords xds = xr.open_mfdataset(path_to_lsm_files, autoclose=autoclose, preprocess=preprocess, concat_dim=time_dim, engine=engine, ) xds.lsm.y_var = lat_var xds.lsm.x_var = lon_var xds.lsm.y_dim = lat_dim xds.lsm.x_dim = lon_dim xds.lsm.lon_to_180 = lon_to_180 xds.lsm.coords_projected = coords_projected # make sure time dimensions are same for slicing xds.rename( { time_dim: 'time', time_var: 'time', }, inplace=True ) xds.lsm.to_datetime() return xds